I'm a Womb Worker, Doula, Community Health Advocate, Menstrual Cycle Educator, and Transformational Mentor. I'm here to be an advocate, educator, & community-builder for widely accessible women's holistic health resources, & a gentle loving guide on your journey back into remembering wholeness.
The first key- you ARE already whole. I'm not here to teach you. I'm here to remind you of some things you may have forgotten.
YOU are the foremost expert of your body. Your life is your art. I'm here as a companion on your journey of radical embodiment, reproductive health & birth.
As a mentor & women's health educator, I work from a trauma-informed, body-based, science & spirit-led approach.
I help women like you release old stories and gently move through emotions & stuckness in the body, address trauma, & reconnect to the powerful mystery of your womb and reproductive health from an embodied place. I walk with you on your journey of understanding all the deeper aspects of YOU, the menstrual cycle, & fertility which brings about greater balance & alignment. We explore the voice of your womb, liberated self-expression, & explore the deep wisdom of the womb which carries unique seeds & teachings for YOU. I'm not here to teach you, but to help you remember.
As a birthkeeper & certified doula, I'm here to walk with you & coach you through the physical, emotional, psychological, & spiritual changes throughout pregnancy, & if desired, attend your birth as a source of strong but calm, gentle comfort & assistance. I'm here to advocate for you-& MOSTLY- empower you to advocate for yourself. How do YOU desire your pregnancy & birth experience to go? What do you need in place to feel supported in surrendering to the portal of birth? I will provide information, resources, & hold compassionate space for you offering a variety of supportive practices & tools along the way. This is a sacred, transformative moment in your life & you deserve to feel held & empowered.
"Your class was so amazing, I loved it and got so much out of it. I’m so grateful for this course- It was the best investment I made in 2020. I actually know about my cycle now, and how it connects with my creativity, after 14 years of not knowing what was going on in my body...this work is so important and needed. Please keep doing it! I would definitely recommend your class to others. It was so divine, and exactly what I needed- I got so many tingles when you reached out to me about it! Thank you so much for your work Leah."
Feel free to call, send me an email, or message on Instagram if you have any questions about my offerings, how we can work together, or you're curious to learn more about what I share.
Phone: 925 640 6092
Email: LovefromLeah17@gmail.com
Find me on Instagram: @Leah.DreamWeaver